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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Review: The One

The One
The One by Kiera Cass

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I had so many issues with this book that I do not even have the urge to write a review.

- Senseless killing off characters
- Wishy Washy Romance
- Complete character 180s just because it is Tuesday
- Predictable ending with no real drive
- Annoying main character
- Annoying love interests of main character
- Subplot that had little resolution or a very hurried resolution
- HEA ending with more character development than the entire series

But I am glad Kiera Cass wrote this series because others seem to love it and that is always great.

View all my reviews


Unknown said...

The ending had no point…every conflict was resolved a little to convenient for America…I mean seriously. WTF

America was def annoying..I hated the way she treated both guys. And also don't forget about the plot twists, I mean Kiera didn't even make use of it.


Unknown said...

The ending had no point…every conflict was resolved a little to convenient for America…I mean seriously. WTF

America was def annoying..I hated the way she treated both guys. And also don't forget about the plot twists, I mean Kiera didn't even make use of it.


Unknown said...

The ending had no point…every conflict was resolved a little to convenient for America…I mean seriously. WTF

America was def annoying..I hated the way she treated both guys. And also don't forget about the plot twists, I mean Kiera didn't even make use of it.


Reading Wolf said...

It all felt needless and rushed.

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