Hare Moon by Carrie Ryan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This short ebook gives a background to Sister Tabitha who seems so cruel in the first part of Forest of Hands and Teeth.
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I was recently on a group on Goodreads and saw a discussion about a dystopian book challenge. I have never taken part in a book challenge so I figured what the heck. Wish me luck!The challenge entails reading a certain number (depending on what level you choose) of dystopian novels before the end of 2011. Since it was my first time doing this....I decided to choose the easiest level. (Plus I have no idea how many of these novels I will be able to get.)Level I choose: Asocial– Choose 5 books to read
Books I Choose:
Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell (recently acquired)Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (re-read)Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K DickI Am Legend by Richard Matheson (re-read)The Road by Cormac McCarthy (recently acquired)And if any of those fall through (as in I can't get them or can't stomach them) here are some back ups:
Anthem by Ayn RandThe Time Machine by H.G. Wells (Think about the society he meets in his Time Machine)For those who do not know the definition of Dystopia, this is the general idea;